Work History


Data Science In Insurance And Financial Industry
Hong Kong,NTM


Data scientist and analyst with 5 years of successful experience in financial industry. Strong passionate to utilize big data technologies to transform business ideas into reality. Willing to learn and being positive in face of tough nuts. Always thinking one step further. Strong curiosity to understand the world. Lifelong learning and persevering attitude are essential qualities to achieve success. Love trekking, travelling, investment, literature, history, biography, landscape photography.


years of post-secondary education
years of professional experience

Work History

Senior Data Analyst

AXA Hong Kong and Macau
Hong Kong
10.2019 - Current
  • Worked in Data Science Team under Chief Strategy and Data Office.
  • Main Data Science contact point and solution provider for AXA General Insurance. Had solid experience to transform business initiatives/ideas into reality from data angle. Case: utilized government data to prove that higher energy consumption of household and weather condition are positive factors to claim frequencies of home insurance, and used ML technologies to compute risk score as an indicator for each households by external database for pricing model revamp.
  • Developed Machine Learning and Deep Learning Model for cross-sell campaign, pricing model revamp, health detection, project automation, text analytics, etc. Applied the model to different business applications or scenarios. Case: used NLP to automatically achieve code mapping for sentences.
  • Visualized business data by Tableau and Power BI. Case: built BI dashboard to provide single customer view of whole company for executive level decision making.
  • Managed company's customer-related external database and supported data migration to cloud. Case: Hong Kong & Mainland
  • Handled ad-hoc requests such as performance tracking, automation, data extraction from other departments.

Data Science Analyst

Cigna International
Hong Kong
08.2018 - 09.2019
  • Handled data science initiatives from Cigna US headquarter's marketing department. Developed ML model to detect customers who are likely to use Emergency Room in certain period of time and encouraged those high-risk customers to use urgent care service under certain situations.
  • Built up BI dashboard for portfolio review of employers.

Senior Research Executive

Hong Kong
05.2017 - 08.2018
  • Admitted through Ipsos Management Trainee program.
  • Focused on CRM and customer loyalty in banking and insurance industry in loyalty team.
  • Managed 3 regional projects independently and simultaneously.
  • Coordinated 6 local office fieldwork teams and 2 local office colleagues simultaneously.
  • Provided customer and employee analytics on satisfaction and NPS.
  • Designed BI dashboard of NPS tracking projects for clients.
  • Developed Customer Segmentation strategy for casino client in Macau by leveraging machine learning technologies.
  • Solid experience to communicate clients' ideas and cooperate with offshore support teams.

Data Analyst Intern

Shenzhen, China
02.2017 - 05.2017
  • Worked in Morningstar China headquarter as data analyst intern, and was promoted to associate data analyst due to outstanding performance within internship.
  • Audited monthly return data for funds from Northern Europe, and liaised with fund companies to make sure accuracy of data. Make sure data differences are under certain threshold.
  • Provided presentation of machine learning technologies to company's middle management team to elaborate how big data technologies can help company on automation of data audit workflow to further save costs on human resources.


Master of Science - Quantitative Analysis in Business

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
07.2016 - 08.2017

Master of Arts - Public Policy And Management

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
07.2014 - 08.2015

Bachelor of Science - Global And Environmental Study

The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
07.2010 - 08.2014


Python(Pandas, SKlearn, Lightgbm, Keras, TF, etc)



  • Benchmark Wealth Management Awards 2020: Digital Project of the Year
  • Digital CX Awards 2021: "Best Use of AI for Customer Experience - Insurance"


Senior Data Analyst - AXA Hong Kong and Macau
10.2019 - Current
Data Science Analyst - Cigna International
08.2018 - 09.2019
Senior Research Executive - Ipsos
05.2017 - 08.2018
Data Analyst Intern - Morningstar
02.2017 - 05.2017
City University of Hong Kong - Master of Science, Quantitative Analysis in Business
07.2016 - 08.2017
City University of Hong Kong - Master of Arts, Public Policy And Management
07.2014 - 08.2015
The Education University of Hong Kong - Bachelor of Science, Global And Environmental Study
07.2010 - 08.2014
Rory CHENData Science In Insurance And Financial Industry