A motivated full-stack software engineer with a B.A. in computer science and years of experience in the design, development, and testing of innovative solutions, Heenjoys working on multiple aspects of a system while always keeping the big picture in mind. He never gets tired of applying his curiosity, scientific mindset, and passion for technology to new challenging projects.
Technologies: OpenAI | Neo4j | Langchain | LlamaIndex | Flask | Python | React | Next.js | FastAPI
Analog AI is a software company offering AI solutions that replicate human emotional intelligence and behaviors.
Technologies: React | Next.js | Typescript | Node.js | Three.js | ShadcnUI | NextUI | TailwindCSS | Storybook | Google Cloud Platform | Vercel | Github Actions | Husky | Turbo | MongoDB | ElasticSearch | Recaptcha | NextAuth | LiveKit | Sanity | Socketio | Stripe
GameRogue is a start-up that's creating MLOps software with the most user-friendly UI available to usher-in the next generation of esports.
Technologies: Javascript | Typescript | Svelte | SvelteKit | Supabase | PostgreSQL | Vercel | npm | Jest | CSS | Python | Flask | Django
Tampax is a brand of tampons currently owned by Procter & Gamble.
Technologies: Phoenix | Elixir | Phoenix Liveview | TailwindCSS | GraphQL | Stripe | AWS | Terraform | Github actions
Berlin Phil Media GmbH is a subsidiary of the Berliner Philharmoniker Foundation. It is responsible for the media productions of the Berliner Philharmoniker.
Technologies: React | Typescript | TailwindCSS | CanvasJS Chart | Jest | Node.js | Express.js | GraphQL | Sequelize | Postgresql | AWS | Terraform | OpenAI
SurveyPlanet, LLC is a software-as-a-service company specializing in providing online survey platforms that are tailored for diverse needs such as HR, events, education, and research.
Technologies: React | Svelte | Javascript | Python | Flask | Django | Three.js | MaterialUI | TailwindCSS | Storybook | Jest | Node.js | Express.js
Managed multiple freelance projects.